Summer Solstice

What is Summer Solstice?

The Crone Herself honors these old, ancestral traditions, while encouraging us to understand the land, climate, and culture we currently live in. Developing a more personalized, hyper-local, and culturally relevant approach to marking the Wheel Year’s seasonal shifts helps us celebrate in meaningful ways during intersecting global crises. We honor the ancestors and become the bridge between them and our descendants.

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Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice Meditation + Workbook

Wheel year meditations + workbooks

Symbols of Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice is the longest day, and shortest night, of the year! This is a time to take a breath, welcome summer, and slow down a little after a busy six months of hard work. Summer Solstice is celebrated the world over, and has been since the dawn of time. Our planet is peppered with megalithic temples and structures built specifically for observing and celebrating the movement of the Earth around the Sun. Humans have always been enchanted by the seasonal shifts, creating ceremonies and celebrations to mark them. At this time of year, our Ancestors who lived in agricultural societies, were taking a little down time after getting the food gardens planted. What does this time of year hold for you?

Colors of Beltane

Green, Gold, and Blue

Green is perhaps the quintessential color of Beltane, symbolizing life, growth, and renewal. In the Northern hemisphere, Summer Solstice is the greenest time of year. Trees, flowers, grasses, and vegetables are at the height of their growth season. It is an abundantly fertile season, holding the promise of a good harvest. Ritual spaces are decorated with green and florals.


Gold and Yellow, the color of the Sun, represents the theme of light overcoming darkness, mirroring the pinnacle of solar power in the year. It is also representative of the sweetness of honey, embodying joy, and happiness.


Blue represents water, and here, is connected with the astrological sign on Cancer. It’s a calming color, invoking peace and tranquility that arrives after the busyness and hard labor of planting (and other manifestations). Blue can also be a protective color, warding off evil spirits and negative energies, ensuring peace and safety during this potent time.

Meditations for Summer Solstice

Summer Solstice is a celebration of the beginning of Summer, the longest day of the year. During this Season, we celebrate the abundance of the earth, the warm days that last late into the evening. Meditation during this time can focus on themes of abundance, connection to nature, personal growth, and life’s sweetness. The first full moon after Solstice is called the Honey Moon. And, the astrological sign of Cancer begins on Solstice, bringing in the symbolism of water.

In your meditations during this Season, notice how these themes from nature, and human activity, are relevant in your life. It’s always appropriate to meditate on gratitude, abundance, hope, and sweetness for your life.

Summer Solstice Recipes

Strawberry Vinaigrette

1 cup strawberries with tops cut off
1/4 tsp minced garlic
1/4 tsp minced shallot

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon pepper

Add all ingredients to a blender. Blend on high until smooth,

Drizzle over a salad of fresh, tender green lettuce or arugula, topped with sliced strawberries, and some very thinly sliced red onion.

Strawberry Shortcake

This is the simplest, easiest way.
1 Angel Food, Shortcake, or Pound Cake, chilled.
2lb fresh strawberries, washed, chopped and mulled
1/2 c sugar, or maple syrup
1 pint heavy/whipping cream
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Stir your sugar or syrup into the strawberries. Let rest, covered, in the refrigerator for two hours.
Whip the cream in a cold bowl, adding the vanilla once peaks have formed. Be careful! If you whip too long, you’ll get butter!

To serve, spoon the berries over the cake, leaving some in a bowl for guests to add to their plate.
Serve whipping cream on the side, as well.