AN antidote to the good-girl mindset
Personal evolution. Collective transformation. Culture Change.
This Movement is Everything
BIG CRONE ENERGY is a big, bright Magenta Tent for (cis and trans) women and non-binary people who are ready to step into the fullness of their whole lives. Here, we celebrate how far we’ve come, what we’ve been through, where we stand in this moment, and the decisions we’re making toward our own best interests. It’s a movement because we’re practicing our Sovereignty together.
The movement is broad and deep–just like you.
You’re a MEMBER when you say you are. And, there are lots of ways for us to join forces, raise our energy, and elevate our power individually and collectively.
A CRONE is a person of wisdom, who makes choices for and in their own best interest. A CRONE is an outrageous woman who laughs with abandon, and seriously keeps promises to herself. She has reached a point in her personal evolution where she longs for BEING instead of continual revisioning. The CRONE embodies accumulated life experience, resulting in deep wisdom, wicked humor, and grounded fearlessness. She has wisdom to share, while recognizing there is always more wisdom to be gained. She can move on her own, with authority and assurance, but she prefers to connect with others who look at her knowingly, lovingly, respectfully.
BIG CRONE ENERGY isn’t the sole purview of women of a certain age. This ENERGY resides within all of us–just as the crescent moon is embedded in the full moon. We can access, embody and move with Big Crone Energy anytime in our lives. You don’t have to wait twenty, ten, or even two more years to awaken your cells and life to it. Just as we can access our Younger Self for healing, we can access our Crone Self for grounded wisdom.
A Great Hag of History, a long-lasting one who has Discovered depths of Courage, Strength and Wisdom in her Self.*
THE GREAT AND ANCIENT CRONES oversee and pour energy into The Big Crone Energy Movement. THEY are comprised of Ancient and Ancestral and Living Goddesses, Oracles, Seers, Priestesses, Witches, Fairy Tale tropes, Step-Mothers, Warrioresses, Kindly Grandmothers, Fairy Godmothers, Weavers, Writers, Poets, Fashionistas, Aunties, Emancipators, Midwives, Death-Doulas, Drag-Artists, Dreamers, Herbalists, Gardeners, Administrators, Nurses, Prophetesses, Queens, Widows, and all those who’ve carved out liberated lives while navigating the bounds of inter-locking cis-patriarchal, colonialist, capitalist, white-supremacist systems. Likely, you’re part of this fearsome network of quiet conspirators.
YOUR WHOLE LIFE is exactly what it sounds like. It includes your internal world of emotions, thoughts, traumas, moods, neurodivergence, memories, dreams and desires. It includes your body as it transitions through motherhood, peri-/mid-/post-/surgical menopause, your skin, your looks, your health, and how ableism and ageism impact you. It includes your relationships, your family, work-life, your home-life, your creative-life. Your WHOLE LIFE includes your experiences, magic, communication, sex, intelligence, humor, boundaries, your wild YES and your definitive NO. Everything that touches our lives is on the table for discussion under the Big Magenta Tent woven of the star-stuff of the Big Bang.
COLLECTIVE SELF-MASTERY and SOVEREIGNTY IN SOLIDARITY We’re unique, self-authoritative, self-directed beings. We should not and need not stand up for our own interests without support. Crones don’t do it alone. We support, uphold, uplift and celebrate each other. We actively address our internalized oppression, and how our privilege impacts others.
*Mary Daly, Webster’s First New Intergalactic Wickedary of the English Language. Beacon Press, Boston. 1987.

This is the moment for collective self mastery
A Provocation of Crones is a collection of Group Sessions facilitated by The Crone Herself, Karina Blackheart.
These Sessions will Invoke, Evoke, Provoke, Initiate, and Integrate the latent, neglected (or rejected) Big Crone Energy in you!

A Provocation of crones
Invoke the Crone
We call upon the Ancient and Ancestral Crones. We invite the Matron Goddesses. We summon forth the Archetypal Wise Women from Myth and Story. We seek the insight and foresight of Contemporary Crones of note. We receive their substantial Guidance, Wisdom, and Protection.

A Provocation of crones
Evoke the Crone
To EVOKE is to call forth from within. To EVOKE is to summon and stir up from the depths of our being. To EVOKE is to expose what lies in shadow, reveal what’s been repressed, and bring to light its power. To EVOKE is to raise up The Crone Herself within us, so she can take her rightful role in our lives.
big crone energy
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