The Prima Donna Sessions
The Prima Donna Sessions are all about cultivating the confidence to live the most delightfully gratifying, luxuriously restorative, and genuine life you can imagine. You know what living the life of your dreams means. You know what textures, scent, colors and sounds would satiate your senses. You know what it would feel like to present your gifts to the world and have them blessed by enthusiastic reception. You know exactly what it would take to awaken feeling grateful for the day before you, and to rest easily each night for having fulfilled your expectations.
In the Prima Donna Sessions, we’ll explore your vision, and what prevents you from stepping fully into it. What cultural norms are smothering your unique talents, interests, and desires?
What fears and insecurities are depriving you from stepping more fully and completely into your role as the Prima Donna of your life?
What is it you’re terrified they will say about you if you become the star of your own mythic story?
Let’s name the obstacles, and deal with them once and for all. Then, discover the forest pathways and grand boulevards you’ll traverse as you enter your Prima Donna Era.

We meet every three weeks for nine months. Our Sessions include:
The First Woman
What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, Prima Donna to describe a woman of power, conviction, and talent? The phrase translates to English as “First Lady,” or “First Woman.”
When I hear “first woman,” I think of goddesses–the big, round fecund figurines from pre-history. I think of the Moon and its phases matching menstrual cycles, and pulling the tides. I think of the first woman to gather grain or fruit. I think of Lilith refusing to lie beneath Adam. And, Eve who ate from the Tree of Knowledge.
I think of: The first in a family to attend college, work outside the home, choose childlessness, or non-heterosexuality. The first woman in a community to inject herself with estrogen and watch her features soften, her hips curve, her whiskers disappear. I think of my Grandmother–the first in my family to send her abusive husband packing. I think of all of the women I know and love, ancestors, friends and colleagues who are “firsts.”
Culturally, we understand the stereotype of the prima donna as a woman who’s vain, conceited, pushy, demanding, and thinks she deserves “special treatment.”
She’s really good at what she does. She’s quite comfortable in who she is.
A woman who puts herself first in our culture, is viewed as selfish.. A woman who has expectations that others will accommodate her needs is viewed as haughty, demanding, spoiled. A woman who takes pride in herself can be certain someone will voice disapproval.

Good Girl Rulebook
Indoctrination into the Good Girl Rulebook can cause us to avoid negative judgment, even if it means squelching our talent, desires and dreams.
What if you name yourself the Prima Donna in your life? What if you were to come first? What if your rest, your body, your intellectual, creative, and spiritual needs came first? What if your time came first? Your energetic capacity? Your needs? What if your healing, your self love, your healthy boundaries came before everyone else’s? What if your spiritual evolution came before getting breakfast for the family, or the neighborhood barbeque? What if your focus on earning a comfortable income, dressing to please yourself, or indulging in whatever pleases you took precedence above all else?
If you’re feeling a little uncomfortable right now, it’s because self-prioritization for women is still socially frowned upon. That discomfort is you responding to social policing you haven’t even experienced, yet! Just the thought of cherishing yourself before you tend to other’s wants and needs can feel depraved!
And, that, right there, is reason enough to explore what social indoctrination you need to root out and seek liberation from.
Crone, Bitch, Spinster
If you’re feeling a little uncomfortable right now, it’s because self-prioritization for women is still socially frowned upon. That discomfort is you responding to social policing you haven’t even experienced, yet! Just the thought of cherishing yourself before you tend to other’s wants and needs can feel depraved!
And, that, right there, is reason enough to explore what social indoctrination you need to root out and seek liberation from.
When we reclaim the title Prima Donna, like we’ve reclaimed the words Crone, Bitch, and Spinster, we are centering our own value.
A Prima Donna is a woman wrapped in her own self love–that soft, limitless, gentle space opening in her chest that flows inward toward herself. A Prima Donna trusts, respects, honors, and loves herself. From that love, everything she dreams of, longs for, and imagines, comes pouring into her.
Self Love is more than the self-care we’ve been preached to about for decades. Self Love is where we turn when the day’s been long and the world’s treated us poorly. Self Love is boundaried, protective, pleasurable, proud. It can be boisterous and bold, like a peacock. It can be quiet, subdued, and watchful, like an owl. It shows up just the way we need it to, as the most dedicated lover we’ve ever had. It’s been in you since you incarnated, and has been with you since you were carbon, formed in the most ancient star clusters.