The Catalyst for transformation

A Path to Loving Liberation
Soul Doctoring Sessions are derived from the practices, ethics, and world view I taught for decades as the first cycle of training in the BlackHeart Lineage of the Feri Tradition. It is a path to self-love and personal power that begins by acknowledging our spiritual anatomy, and how to work with it to our benefit. The fundamental power we seek is that of aware, self-authoritative individuals, capable of cooperating with other sovereign beings honestly, effectively, lovingly.
I offer these private Sessions to those who:
- have read about, studied or practiced Feri Tradition, and recognize deeper work with Alignment is necessary for their spiritual, emotional, and intellectual well-being. OR
- those who are actively engaging with the materials in my Soul Doctoring coursework, and would benefit from personalized mentorship. OR
- you aren’t interested in Feri Tradition, but are drawn to Soul Doctoring for yourself, and in your practices that support others.
- prefer to engage with this deeply personal work privately
This is a Way that will lead you compassionately into direct confrontation with your self-limiting beliefs, social conditioning, and self-sabotaging behaviors and patterns.
a Commitment to Healing
We do Soul Doctoring the old way. There are no shortcuts to hurry this along. There’s no “program,” or bullet-pointed list to check off on your way to Alignment within yourself. It is a Way we come to know ourselves. It is a Way we walk in the world. It is a Way we embody and exude self-regard.
We do this with full awareness that there is no perfect conclusion, graduation ceremony, or promotion to a higher level except that which arises from within. We continue walking this path because we’ve become curious about what we’ll find around the next bend. We become joyful explorers of the mysterious terrain we embody and express into the world.
Personal and Cultural healing takes time, fortitude, and persistence. It requires gentle attentiveness, and loving kindness toward ourselves. Soul Doctoring is simultaneously very subtle and profound, granular and gritty, refined and expansive.

A Catalyst for Personal Transformation
There is no end to this path. We set out upon it because we are curious. We keep going because we long for a liberation which is one and the same thing as union with the divine. Each step is an awakening, a healing, a deeper enlightenment and endarkenment. We don’t seek to ascend to “higher levels.” Rather, we remain steady, grounded, and deeply in-bodied.
Soul Doctoring is a catalyst that enables radical personal transformation.
This is not life coaching, or therapy, although Soul Doctoring has been said to have therapeutic value, while moving your life forward in unimaginable ways. This is a magical, spiritual, esoteric path, and I teach it wholly from that perspective. There is no spiritual bypassing in Soul Doctoring. This is a Way that will lead you compassionately into direct confrontation with your self-limiting beliefs, social conditioning, self-sabotaging behaviors and patterns.
The material and practices in Soul Doctoring are derived from the first year(s) of training in a Witchcraft Tradition known for initiating some of the most powerful and influential teachers, authors, and activists in modern paganism. Soul Doctoring is at the foundations of that Tradition, and is what enabled those practitioners to become sound, ethical leaders.
I offer these practices and Ways to any and all who seek to know, heal, and love themselves well, so they might stand in that deep personal ethic as lovers, healers, leaders, artists, parents, and culture changers.
Soul Doctoring with the Crone Herself
To Heal, Trust the Body & the Soul
It took our whole lives and entire generations of ancestral memory to bring us to the precipice we stand upon. Our spiritual illnesses–like our physical ailments–are embedded in our DNA. The trauma, talent, terror and elation, disease and resilience of our ancestors runs through our veins, informs our awareness, and twists our instinctual self-trust into a misshapen caricature of itself.
Part of our illness stems from our desire for simple, quick, bullet-point solutions. We want a smoking gun, a silver bullet, a magic pill. We want a one size fits all cure. We want someone to heal us. We want spontaneous, instantaneous, and lasting resolution to our problems..
Soul Doctoring asks that we refrain from seeing our problems, diseases and glitches as distinct symptoms or isolated events within a singular system. To heal, one must trust the body and the Soul enveloping it. To heal the mind, one must trust one’s lived experiences. To heal a culture, one must endeavor to heal every cell in the body of that culture.
I offer Soul Doctoring Sessions to people who are interested in healing themselves using an esoteric process of self-awareness, self-affirmation, self-love, through connection to their own divine nature. I share practical tools for healing, forgiveness, for clearing out self-abuse, internalized oppression, and chronic trauma to enable you to embrace the elegant magnificence and grandeur you, as a human being, inherently embody.

Perfectionism is the surest road to failure.
Karina Blackheart

we are a threefold spirit
We are a threefold spirit, a dense physical body, and an egoic expression of that reality. We are individuals, of course, but also part of the collective experience of everyone else on the planet whose teachings, wounds, elations, loves and failures, horrors and wars imprint themselves upon us. We are the inheritors of Ancestral trauma and wisdom. We are the Ancestors of those who will receive the cultural and epigenetic markers we bequeath to them.
We absorb and replicate our cultural conditioning, oppression, repression, family abuse, religious and historical teachings, childhood bullying, marketing and advertising. We swim in the waters of our environment, integrating the policing of thought, behavior, mannerism, desire, and bodies by others. We internalize and integrate these messages until we are so well indoctrinated that we willingly police ourselves. In our culture, adulthood and success are measured by how well we have learned to self-police and self-correct.
In Soul Doctoring Sessions, you’ll probe these cultural presumptions, questioning their truth and value. You’ll discover what your Genius, Sensuous, and Divine soul-parts agree is most beneficial, kind, and nourishing for you. Soul Doctoring provides support for you as you maneuver from cultural conditioning, toward sovereignty which is respectful of others.
Is this for you?
While I have earned Life Coach credentialling, I was a Priestess, Teacher and Spiritual Mentor long before “coaching” became a thing. I understand each person is utterly unique, while operating within shared societal norms. One-size-fits-all coaching practices simply don’t work at the depths we aspire to go together. I liken myself to a midwife or trail guide. I do not do the work on you or for you. Rather, I teach you to do the labor that is most effective in bringing about the transformation you seek.
I work with people who are ready to transform from the inside out, utilizing an esoteric process of self-awareness, self-affirmation, and self-love, through connection to their own divine nature. You needn’t have any experience with this kind of personal/spiritual work. Or, you may have decades of experience–but could use a trail-guide as you maneuver through a particularly gnarly part of your Path.
I give permission and practices for you to engage with yourself in ways that don’t shame, or induce fear and guilt. I create space for you to embrace your intuition, imagination, artistry, wildness, sexuality, vision, and your uniquely “other” ways of Knowing.
These chaotic times are begging us to trust our emotional states, honor and lay claim to the parts of us that long for sunlight and thunderstorm, a splash of magenta on canvas, a crackling fire. We have nearly forgotten to swoon over notes of music floating through an open window, to seek out and be in relationship with beauty, to feel the wind lifting the hair at the back of the neck. We rarely pay attention to gooseflesh rising on the skin; delight pulsing through the vein; the sharp intake of breath that opens the chest to absorb awe; the tears that fall unbidden in response to magnificence. Soul Doctoring is a path toward allowing ourselves to to follow the pulse of music that begs the body to move, to loosen the locked-down pelvis and hip, to groove until sweat glistens on the skin, to give praise for the breath moving in through the nostril and into the lung. Soul Doctoring enables you to shake loose the shackles of intersecting systems of oppression, and the tendrils you’ve internalized. Ultimately, it is a liberatory, rebellious, (r)evolutionary path, leading you into direct collaboration with all of your glorious parts.
These practices help us remember what it means to be fully human, which is to be fully wild, innocent, instinctual, wise, loving, and divine.
I would be honored by the opportunity to work with you.
To move forward, please BOOK A CALL TO DISCUSS
Embrace your intuition, imagination, artistry, wildness, sexuality, vision, and your uniquely “other” ways of Knowing
Monthly Private Sessions with Scheduled Messaging Support
Let’s chat to assure we’re an excellent fit for each other and soul Doctoring!
Let’s chat to assure we’re an excellent fit for each other and soul Doctoring!
9 Months Immersion – $4725*
We meet for 75 minutes every three weeks by phone or video conferencing
Between meetings, you will have convenient scheduled hours for text or voice messaging support.
Additional audio, video, and written materials will be made available to help deepen your practice.
*Payment Plans are Available