If you don’t know what you want (or need or love), you cannot have it.
If you don’t know your purpose, you can’t live it.
If you don’t know who you are, you can’t be it.
If you don’t know your desire, you’ll never be fulfilled.
If you don’t know your genius, you cannot express it.
If you don’t know what makes your heart sing, you’ll die with your song inside you.
If you don’t know–you cannot make manifest, and you’ll always be stuck with what you get–what shows up, what happens to you, what you think will make others happy.
Beloved–Know yourself better than you know anyone else. Name your wants, needs, dreams, passions, power. Name your brilliance, your song, your purpose, your most outrageous desire.
Naming is the very first step toward manifesting. Take the step. Where it leads will be magnificent.
If you don’t know where to begin, it’s time to Book a Coffee Date with The Crone Herself!