Take responsibility for your present & your whole future will follow
shift The energy of this moment to design your future.
Oracle Consultations with
The Crone Herself
An ORACLE is a Priestess who speaks prophecy and wisdom. Usually, She is considered a “mouthpiece” of the Gods. An Oracle is a diviner, a sooth-saying truth-speaker.
The Crone Herself has a strong working relationship with The Ancient and Ancestral Collective of Crones, the Oracles at Delphi and Malta’s Hypogeum. In an ORACLE CONSULTATION she invokes and evokes Their Presence, along with her Guides and Allies–and yours–to respond to your query. She may also employ bibliomancy, tarot cards, runes stones, or other means of reading the present energy and probable outcomes.
As an ORACLE, Karina understands that the future is never set in stone. We are beings who enjoy Free Will. Thus, we are never locked in to a prophesied outcome. An important distinction between standard (tarot, runes, oracle cards, etc.) Readings and an Oracle Consultation with The Crone Herself, is guidance about shifting a current energy pattern through choice and action. This shift immediately rearranges future outcomes. Your follow-through is required.
AN ORACLE CONSULTATION defines the energy, obstacle or pattern at the heart and soul of your query. It provides clarity, insight, and probable outcomes. Additionally, it provides options for shifting energy toward the outcome you desire by highlighting choices and changes you can make in yourself, relationships, and environments.
An emphasis on your power to choose is key in an ORACLE CONSULTATION. We are never, ever at the mercy of a pre-determination, the Fates, planets, or someone else. Every decision, choice, word, and action generates new patterns.
Karina’s decades-long spiritual training and practices have prepared her to “read” with precision, compassion, and care.
“I know it’s easy to have someone read for you, and leave the outcome up to fate.’ It’s easy to blame it on karma or astrological placements. But, it’s both self-responsible and power-full to utilize you birth-right of free will to create what will best serve you, your beloveds and the world.”
I had the pleasure of receiving an intuitive reading from Karina B. Heart, the Crone Herself. The reading addressed a very personal matter of a familial and ancestral nature that I wouldn’t have trusted many practitioners with but knew I could bring to Karina . She was every bit as respectful, compassionate and thoughtful as I had imagined.
Karina’s reading itself was deeply insightful, healing and accurate (confirmed some of my own impressions and facts I hadn’t had a chance to share yet). She also provided me the names and pictures of the cards for my own contemplation and reflection, which was a lovely touch that rounded off a truly supportive, specific and no-fluff reading that I left feeling relaxed, hopeful and clear-headed.
I would highly recommend Karina’s services and hope to work with them in some of their longer term offerings as I tap into my own Big Crone Energy and intuitive guidance as an entrepreneur and care leader.
P.S. I also highly recommend Karina’s mystical online store. “The Sleeping Lady of Malta” figurine I got from them is a huge part of my everyday spiritual practice, has brought me restful abundance in all the ways I needed and gets lots of love from our visitors at home.
Jay Asooli.

This is for you at ANY age. This is for your next iteration of Wholeness. This is for upleveling your Whole Life no matter if you’re thirty or eighty or in the years between. This is for you if you’re ready to challenge your internal Good Girl Syndrome, your externalized Bad Girl persona, your Caretaker Role, your Girl Boss title. You’re bigger, deeper, more than any of those containers.