You can find my long-form writing on SubStack. Currently, (early March, 2025), I’m writing on how family/partner-abuse, cult-abuse, and authoritarian abuse follow the same patterns. Be sure to subscribe to get my writing delivered right to your email box.
When You Need a Witch
I've been meaning to talk with you about why working with a Priestess, a
Dancing at the Crossroad
Dance here, in this spaciousness. Laugh at the old performative measures. Create. Make magic.
Work With the Descendants
What hubris, believing we can change the lives of the dead. Change your own
By itself, we sometimes mistake “power” for a dirty word. We deny having it. We're
There are No Bad Girls
We don't need to try so hard to be good. We are good. Our
The Change of Life
During menopause--what previous generations called, "The Change of Life," our hormonal balance changes. For